What is Call Center Slave? Call
Center Slave (CCS) is a tiny little corner of cyberspace, dedicated to giving a voice to everyone who spends their workday tethered to a phone. If your days are filled with misery, anxiety, or undiluted hatred for your call center job, this site is for you! Owned and operated by call center veterans, this website promises not to be patronizing or condescending OR to blow sunshine up your ass. You know your job sucks, we know your job sucks, now it's time for everyone else to know. We are telling it like it is! Put yourself in call work, sit back, and enjoy... WWW.CALLCENTERSLAVE.COM
Why do call centers suck?
Oh, where shall I start? There are so many reasons that call centers suck that it would be impossible to list them all in one short paragraph. There are more silly rules and codes of conduct in call centers than in any other workplace except for, perhaps, the Pentagon. Call centers take themselves WAY too seriously and they expect their employees to do the same. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if I am calling 911 because I fell off a ladder and split my head open, I would be very displeased to find that the operators were having a potluck and could not dispatch the appropriate assistance.That being said, we will now systematically boil call center life down to it's base, leaving no subject matter off limits.
What is a call center?
Don't laugh. Some people have never actually worked in one. A call center is a building full of tiny little desks with computers and telephones. People that sit at those desks take (or make) calls on a non-stop basis for their entire workday. More often than not, those calls are back to back from sign in until sign out. No windows. No sunlight. No corner office or chats around the water cooler. If corporate America were the Titanic, we would be the ones in steerage. It is thankless, de-motivating, and sometimes demeaning. It is an environment that equates human beings to numbers and values efficiency over integrity. Call center policies often defy logic and good sense, putting their agents in the position of constantly having to choose between what is policy and what is right. Call center employees are constantly monitored. Their phones are tapped, their computer activity is recorded, and their steps are counted. Every interaction is graded and there is no room for error. Conversations are tightly scripted and sales quotas are strictly enforced. www.callcenterslave.com
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