Sunday, June 22, 2008


FYI: copied from another file.words are not edited and grammars.Some are deleted.

Perhaps many people have already written about the wonders and benefits of the call center industry.How it has been providing generous pay,perks and priviledges to the twenty something or how it has provided jobs to thousands of Filipinos.

These are known facts.But what about the unknown bits and pieces that make up a call center?Often times things "UNKNOWN" are interested to mean scary,ugly or even taboo.In the call center industry,however it does not need to have always a negative connotation.So Iam writing to share everyone some unknown facts,anectodes,procedures and other crazy stories that made an entire industry.These are basically experiences someone inside the industry encounters almost on a daily basis that may shock,disturb or simply amuse.

Here then is a chronicle pf my not so ordinary 5 year call center experience:

FACT 1 : The call center is the new church of the gay religion.Workin a call center for just one day (or night) Since most call center are on GY shift anyway and you will meet dozens of gorgeous,! They can be divide into two groups:
1.Homophobic straight- these guys who would pulverize over agreesive gay men in public reest rooms
2.The curious straight- their primary preference are women but when entice or seduce by gay men, they give in
3.The certified gays and categorize in two groups
a. the peppermint a.k.a "Pa-Mhin-ta" 0discreet,still hiding in the closet gay men
b. The falmboouyants who either cross-ldress are just too loud and proud of their homosexuality.

FACT 2: The call center industry is breeding ground for "College Bosses".Gone are the days when a typical boss was an old, fat,balding guy who ordered everyone around and asked anyone to fix him a cup of coffee. In the call center industry, you got to meet every young bosses ages 22-25 years old. They are definitely NOT the classic '" The Devil Wears Prada" bosses, instead they are your carefree, fresh from college bosses who love to party and drink Starbucks coffee as if its water.Often times these bosses get to where they are not because "TALENT" to smother their own bosses with PRAISES and COMPLIMENTS and their ability to KISS BUTTS.

FACT 3:The call center industry is slowly turning into haven of "PLASTICS".The movie "mean girls" glorified the "PLASTICS" as portrayed by Linsay LOhan and Rachel Mc Adam. They are basically persons who do not show their TRUE COLORS and most of the time they engage in backbiting.
Working in a call center exposes you to the world of "PLASTICS". BEWARE of those who treat you extraordinarily nice,those who appear too friendly, beacuse they often times the same person who say UNKINDEST things about you behind your back.

FACT 4: Call center industry is a modernday GARDEN OF EDEN. Remember it was in that garden where Adam and Eve feel in love and now the call center is a paradise of lovers.It is where single men and women meet,work together and fall in love and leave their wives and husbands.MORALITY and social obligations are often overlooked if not, deliberately forgotten and last truimph completely..

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